435 Main Ave S | Renton, WA 98057 | (425) 687-8585
September 2012

9/27/2012 - LEAP Student Blog - Kate McGree | La Salle HS

9/25/2012 - WIAA Executive Board Concludes Fall Meeting

9/10/2012 - High School Sports Participation Achieves All-Time High

WIAA Executive Board Concludes Fall Meeting

RENTON, Wash. – The Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA) Executive Board met and took action during its annual two-day fall meeting, Sunday, Sept. 23 and concluded Monday, Sept. 24.
The Executive Board passed a motion to grant a waiver for the 1B/2B Girls Soccer State Tournament to allow a four-team state format.  The Handbook rule (25.1.1) states that 30-59 percent of schools enrolled in a specific classification need to offer the sport to create an eight team/entries tournament.  However, the 1B/2B classifications had 17 schools offering soccer for the 2012-14-classification cycle, one short to meet the criteria as stated in the WIAA Handbook.  Each of the four districts with 1B/2B girl soccer programs will be granted one allocation to determine the semifinal qualifiers.
In addition, the Board approved a re-draw of the 1B/2B Boys Soccer Semifinal bracket in the rare case when two west side teams and two east side teams are paired.  This will prevent teams that previously competed against one another earlier in the playoffs from playing each other again.
The final State Championship Board action was the addition of the Public Forum category to the Forensics State Tournament, effective during the 2012 State event.
Effective immediately, the Board changed the language in the Handbook to rule 19.10.1 and rule 19.12.3 that written notices by the WIAA office or hearing officer must be “sent” to the petitioner appellant no later than five days.  Previously, the language stated it had to be “delivered” no later than five days.
The Executive Board also passed a motion to waive the remainder of the fall sports academic suspension period outlined in Rule 18.7.6A.  This action immediately allows any student-athlete that was serving a WIAA academic suspension this fall due to Rule 18.7.6 to be eligible provided they are meeting the WIAA academic criteria at this time.  The Executive Board took this action because of the calendar this year.  Typically, September has four Saturdays.  This year there are five Saturdays in September causing the suspension period to be extended one week.  Wording for an amendment will be formulated to resolve this unique situation for future years.

The next WIAA Executive Board meeting is scheduled for Dec. 2-3.  If you have any questions, please contact
Conor Laffey at the WIAA Office.
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Washington Interscholastic Activities Association  |   435 Main Ave S   |  Renton, WA 98057  |  (425) 687-8585  |  © 2024