435 Main Ave S | Renton, WA 98057 | (425) 687-8585
November 2009

11/30/2009 - 2009 High School Football Championships This Weekend

11/25/2009 - Radio Broadcasts of the State Football Semifinals

11/23/2009 - High School Semifinal Football Sites and Times Announced

11/11/2009 - WIAA Office Closed | Veterans Day

11/7/2009 - 2009 State Cross Country Results

11/2/2009 - High School Cross Country Championships this Weekend

11/2/2009 - H1N1 (swine) Flu - Guidance for Coaches, Athletic Directors and Schools

High School Cross Country Championships this Weekend

RENTON, WA (November 2, 2009) - Runners from across the state with gather in Pasco this weekend for the 2009 WIAA/Dairy Farmers of Washington/Les Schwab Tires State Cross Country Championships.  This will mark the 22nd year that the city of Pasco has hosted the event.  Here is the championship meet schedule for Saturday, November 7:

                                RACES        AWARDS
Wheelchair Division    9:30 A.M.    10:20 A.M.
1B/2B Girls              10:00 A.M.    10:50 A.M.
1A Girls                   10:30 A.M.    11:20 A.M.
2A Girls                   11:00 A.M.    11:50 A.M.
1B/2B Boys             11:30 A.M.    12:20 P.M.
1A Boys                  12:00 P.M.    12:50 P.M.
3A Girls                   12:30 P.M.     1:20 P.M.
4A Girls                    1:00 P.M.      1:50 P.M.
2A Boys                   1:30 P.M.      2:20 P.M.
3A Boys                   2:00 P.M.      2:50 P.M.
4A Boys                   2:30 P.M.      3:10 P.M.

Sun Willows Golf Course will again host the state championship meet as 1614 runners representing 244 different schools across the state will compete this Saturday.  A breakdown of participants for the 2009 WIAA/Dairy Farmers of Washington/Les Schwab Tires State Cross Country Championships is as follows:

841 Boys from 188 Schools
1B/2B Boys    152
1A Boys         171
2A Boys         169
3A Boys         174
4A Boys         175

773 Girls from 189 Schools
1B/2B Girls     79
1A Girls         166
2A Girls         173
3A Girls         173
4A Girls         182

Wheelchair Participants    3

For more information on the WIAA/Dairy Farmers of Washington/Les Schwab Tires State Cross Country Championships, visit the 
Cross Country home page or contact Le Burns, Tournament Manager at (509) 546-2859 or Teresa Fisher, WIAA Assistant Executive Director, at (425) 282-5242.

The Washington Interscholastic Activities Association exists to assist member schools in operating student programs that foster achievement, respect, equity, enthusiasm and excellence in a safe and organized environment.

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Washington Interscholastic Activities Association  |   435 Main Ave S   |  Renton, WA 98057  |  (425) 687-8585  |  © 2024