435 Main Ave S | Renton, WA 98057 | (425) 687-8585
July 2020

7/29/2020 - WSSAAA Wednesday - WIAA Staff

7/28/2020 - WIAA Executive Board Continues 2020-21 Planning

7/21/2020 - WIAA Modifies 2020-21 Sports Season Calendar

7/7/2020 - UPDATE: Fall Season Start Dates Pushed Back

WIAA Executive Board Continues 2020-21 Planning

RENTON, Wash. - The WIAA Executive Board continued its planning for the 2020-21 school year at the July 28 meeting and took action on a number of items regarding the scheduling of sports and activities for the upcoming year.

After the announcement that the WIAA will sanction four seasons during the July 21 meeting, the Board continued to receive feedback from member schools as well as the planning committee assembled to provide guidance on the best path for returning to high school sports in Washington. In addition to a brief summary of each of the Board’s action items below, a detailed calendar for each sport is attached to this email. The intention of the document is to provide a planning resource for member schools and their administration, however, the dates provided are tentative given the ongoing developments of COVID-19.

Action Item: The Executive Board approved boys and girls cross country and slowpitch softball as alternate seasons in WIAA Season 1

The WIAA traditionally offers alternate seasons for golf and tennis in the fall as an option for schools that would like to take part in a regular season prior to a WIAA State Championship in the spring. The Executive Board took action to create alternate seasons for cross country and slowpitch softball this season, which will now have culminating events at the conclusion of WIAA Season 3.

Action Item: The Executive Board approved the move of girls swimming and diving to WIAA Season 3

Upon further guidance from health officials and administrators that participation in swimming and diving during the fall season seemed unlikely, the Board opted to move the sport.

Action Item: The Executive Board approved 2021 football season will begin with practices starting on February 17

Due to the increased number of required practices before participating in the first competition, the WIAA Executive Board approved this date so football teams can play games the same week as other Season 3 sports.

Action Item: WIAA Season 2 will begin with pre-competition practices starting December 28

The Executive Board approved shifting WIAA Season 2 one week earlier than previously outlined in an effort to avoid overlap of students participating in both WIAA Seasons 2 and 3.

Action Item: The Executive Board approved an out-of-season period from August 17-September 27 and an out-of-season coaching period from September 28-November 30.

The Executive Board instituted an out-of-season coaching window during the fall for all sports that do not take place in WIAA Season 1. The window will mimic the traditional summer coaching window sanctioned by the WIAA. Football will be allowed 20 days of contact practices during the allowable coaching period in the fall. No coaching will be allowed from August 17- September 27.

Action Item: Schools will be allowed to schedule 70% of typical allowable contests for each sport in all seasons.

The Executive Board acted on the number of allowable contests in a season to mirror the amount by which the season was shortened.

Action Item: Competitive Cheer will be moved to Season 3

Upon the request of administrators in the sport, the Executive Board approved the move for competitive cheerleading from Season 2 to Season 3.

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Washington Interscholastic Activities Association  |   435 Main Ave S   |  Renton, WA 98057  |  (425) 687-8585  |  © 2025