Mat Classic XXXIV | Volunteer Medical Staff Application
  The tournament runs February 17-18, 2023 from 9:00a to about 10:00p on Friday and Saturday. Friday is the busiest day. Preference will be given to volunteers who can commit themselves for the entire tournament; others will be fit into remaining available spots. It is difficult to try to make assignments for shorter periods than entire days, but please make specific desires known and we will attempt to accommodate them.

Please complete this form in its entirety. The deadline to apply is December 31, 2022. For additional questions, you may contact Tim Manson at 509-755-5560.

* = required field

* Specialty Training (indicate Dr./Specialty, ATC, EMT, Student etc.)
* License/Certification # (If you are a student, please write 'Student')
* First Name
* Last Name
* Email Address
* Phone Number (including area code)
* Street Address
* City
* State
* Zip
* School Affiliation (If none, select WIAA)
* Ability to Volunteer

* Preference for Classification (if any)

* Will you need a parking pass for the Tacoma Dome?
ATC's bringing students - please include their name and the sessions they will be attending
Washington Interscholastic Activities Association  |   435 Main Ave S   |  Renton, WA 98057  |  (425) 687-8585  |  © 2025